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Brooklyn Basement Podcast
Hosted By A.R & Wil Sweets

My Life In Letters
My Life In Letters is a podcast documenting and preserving the stories of graffiti writers and letter enthusiasts.
Created and hosted by Adam Kiyoshi Fujita
Created and hosted by Adam Kiyoshi Fujita

The GAUDS Show
The GAUDS Show Hosted By Ray Daniels The Culture Referee
Are you a GOAT or an Underdog?
The Culture Referee, Ray Daniels will interview industry legends about their GOAT story and how they may still see themselves as underdogs. These conversations will be about "on-field" performance. A journey to becoming what the culture deems one of the highest titles one can receive, a GOAT is a long one, and some may feel that even after much success they still fit in the category as an underdog
Are you a GOAT or an Underdog?
The Culture Referee, Ray Daniels will interview industry legends about their GOAT story and how they may still see themselves as underdogs. These conversations will be about "on-field" performance. A journey to becoming what the culture deems one of the highest titles one can receive, a GOAT is a long one, and some may feel that even after much success they still fit in the category as an underdog
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